Sebastian Hartmann

Being Future-ready means being Cloud-ready for Professional Services Firms: 3 Key Actions

Being Future-ready means being Cloud-ready for Professional Services Firms: 3 Key Actions

As of today, it is quite unlikely that professional services firms will dial back on their technology investments – instead, we even see increasing technology investments in order to keep up with a faster evolving competitive landscape. Gartner predicts an annual growth of 5 to 15% for the technology spend of professional services firms – even factoring in the steadily decreasing unit costs for many technologies (e.g., storage, processing, etc.). As firms work through the selection, implementation and adoption of more and more systems and tools, it is obvious that there is barely a true alternative to a “cloud first” strategy.

Stop Chasing Clients – Start Chasing Data​: Rethinking B2B Sales Analytics in Professional Services

Stop Chasing Clients – Start Chasing Data​: Rethinking B2B Sales Analytics in Professional Services

Some B2B sales questions which your firm should be able to answer right now:
– Clients, who buy “service (or product) A”​, also typically buy what?
– What is the next likely “challenge”​ or “issue”​ for any given client?
– What is the next likely offer (service / product) for any given client?
– Which patterns across the firm’s service or product portfolio are emerging?
– Which client or service segments show untapped potential?
– …
Unlocking effective B2B sales analytics is still a challenge for many knowledge-based firms, like lawfirms, consulting, marketing or even technology service providers. Find some guidance in this article written together with my colleague, Simone Göltl.

The Data Race towards Next Gen Professional Services is on …

The Data Race towards Next Gen Professional Services is on …

We see professional services clearly pushing into „everything-as-a-service“ and generally much more „digital“ approaches to delivering their expertise and value. This has created a renewed and even greater appetite for data than ever before – and not just their clients‘ data, but their very own data: But herein lies the challenge for them…