Sebastian Hartmann

Can Old Dogs still learn New Tricks? Towards the Next Gen Playbook for Managing Professional Services

Can Old Dogs still learn New Tricks? Towards the Next Gen Playbook for Managing Professional Services

The inherited recipes for growth and profitability are eroding as the input-oriented models of traditionally fuzzy knowledge-based services are being replaced by throughput- or output-based compensation for much more client focused and increasingly digital solutions. Leaders and managers in charge of professional service firms need to adjust their management playbook in order to remain relevant in the next generation of professional services. But where to begin?

The Silent Killers of Future Readiness in Professional Service Firms

The Silent Killers of Future Readiness in Professional Service Firms

The innovation engine of many firms seems to lack power… and the future readiness of many firms appears questionable. Why is that? After all, there is no lack of talent, analytical and strategic capabilities or money in this highly profitable industry.