Sebastian Hartmann

A Transformation Roadmap for Professional Services and Capital Markets Firms

A Transformation Roadmap for Professional Services and Capital Markets Firms

For today’s professional services and capital markets firms, migration to more advanced digital operations is no longer an option; it’s table stakes.
Leading firms across legal, accounting, consulting, investment banking, and private capital markets are leveraging technology in truly transformative ways — empowering their professionals, exploring new business models, and gaining a competitive edge along the way.

Innovation Evidence: How to Keep the Innovation Engine Running in a Professional Services Firm

Innovation Evidence: How to Keep the Innovation Engine Running in a Professional Services Firm

For 2020 we expect the pace of Digital Transformation and client-centric innovation to increase a lot across ProfessionalServices, especially legal, consulting, accounting and marketing services.

Leaders and managers need to be able to prioritize innovation efforts strategically and demonstrate to their fellow partners the continued need for investment, the returns and the strategic progress within the specific environment and portfolio situation of their firm.

Delivering Client-Issue Focused Solutions

Delivering Client-Issue Focused Solutions

A few months ago, I was interviewed by Ari for his podcast on „Reinventing Professionals“, which I can highly recommend. We discussed my role at KPMG, how law firm and corporate leaders can scale and grow their businesses in the current environment, ways that technology is challenging the business model of traditional professional services firms, and how professional services firms are evolving…

Playing the Recession: Three Key Survival Moves for Professional Services

Playing the Recession: Three Key Survival Moves for Professional Services

Is your firm prepared for an economic downturn?

ProfessionalServices have largely flourished since the 2008/2009 recession. But how well Professional Services Firms will be able to continue to “score”, will depend on the degree of resilience within their revenue structures and their ability to grow and occupy new market space amidst an unfolding economic downturn.

Can Old Dogs still learn New Tricks? Towards the Next Gen Playbook for Managing Professional Services

Can Old Dogs still learn New Tricks? Towards the Next Gen Playbook for Managing Professional Services

The inherited recipes for growth and profitability are eroding as the input-oriented models of traditionally fuzzy knowledge-based services are being replaced by throughput- or output-based compensation for much more client focused and increasingly digital solutions. Leaders and managers in charge of professional service firms need to adjust their management playbook in order to remain relevant in the next generation of professional services. But where to begin?